Posted 13th March 2015

Keeping It Current - CAFM Software Upgrades

As technology continues to evolve and transform into better and more powerful solutions, Tabs CAFM is no different. The ethos of Tabs CAFM is to provide a centralised, robust and technologically advanced solution that competes at the top level within the CAFM market. As such, the solution is driven and enhanced from two core perspectives…1) technological advancements and 2) market/client requirements

The talented technical team at Tabs FM are always looking to push the boundaries of technology and explore new routes to offer faster, more secure and sustainable solutions. Couple this with close client collaboration and a keen eye on the Facilities Management industry, Tabs FM continue to adopt new technology to provide customers with new and advanced architecture, features and platforms.

The development policy within Tabs FM has always been to introduce enhancements into a centralised solution. This allows Tabs FM to share the enhancements driven by clients and the market place through a single application. Through various configuration, a one solution fits all solution is provided. Therefore, there is great benefit in regularly upgrading the system, if not to move to newer technology, then at least to utilise new features within the products.

There are many benefits in migrating systems to newer versions of CAFM applications, such benefits may include:

Better Technology
As noted above, technology will always move forward. By upgrading your systems, you may also benefit from the latest innovations in technology, which can improve speed and performance. WEB based platforms, SaaS, MOBILEs are all possible routes to use better technology for a more responsive and robust service.

Greater Control
Often, technological advances mean that things can be transferred to WEB-based environments or other deployment routes made simpler. Upgrading will better control and quicker deployment of product installations.

Less Limitations
Legacy versions maybe limited by the technology used. Upgrading to newer platforms can introduce more efficient and interactive ways of working...i.e. drill through, animation, drag and drop to name a few.

Improved Security
As you would expect, as technology advances and so will the security features provided through secure and direct system integration or API portals.

One of the biggest factors in upgrading is design. Taking into consideration Human Computer Interaction (HCI), new versions will undoubtedly offer a more contemporary design and feel that is more in tune with the users anticipated experience and often helps to lower the user load which in turns helps support product roll out.

All products have a shelf life, so regular upgrades will remove the risk of product support ending. Product support can also be enhanced if you are on the latest version, making it easier to identify and resolve any potential issues. It goes without saying, later version will be more stable and perform better.

General Enhancements
Through upgrades all users to receive the latest enhancements to the system including, new views, functions and reports which could be utilised to support your business and provide critical information quicker.

The door to third party system integration is well and truly open. New versions can exploit APIs and other integration routes to help streamline operations, whether to improve data transfer or security.

Improved Architecture
Improvements in backend architecture and databases may help improve product performance and control.

technically advanced, functionally brilliant