Job Location Software
The Job location module integrates tightly with mapping solutions to pin-point the location of both Reactive Maintenance and Planned Preventative Maintenance (PPM) jobs on a national or international map, all in real-time. The benefit this can offer any multiple client/site service provider or facilities manager, is the ability to identify works in a similar location to quickly coordinate field resources through improved efficiency, saving both time and expense.
quickly identify jobs by location
Who uses Job Location Software?
Displaying the location of Reactive Maintenance and Planned Preventative Maintenance (PPM) jobs in this fashion makes perfect sense. Imagine the scenario of a key client calling with a Reactive Maintenance request that requires urgent assistance. The Job Location solution is the ideal interface for administration teams to quickly and accurately identify engineers in the local vicinity, or the nearest best skilled engineer, and thus allocate the task according to best-fit.
best-fit job allocation
Key Features
- Geographical Mapping Of Jobs
- Improve Response And Scheduling Time
- Quickly Identify Nearest Worker
- Reduce Expenses Through Efficient Job Allocation
- Filter Jobs By Work Type To Identify Best-Fit
- One-Click To View Job Information
- Simplistic Design Supporting Ease-Of-Us
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